Frequently Asked Questions

Emergency information

You can call our emergency number at (601) 799-7221

If you are an emergency case requiring immediate attention, please call 911

What happens if I am a new patient?

First, be sure that where you make your appointment accepts your insurance. You can call or go online to your insurance website to see a directory of in-network providers. Then, when you call to make your appointment, verify with the front office staff that that office takes your insurance.

When making the appointment, either by phone or online, provide a few details about your concern so that a proper length of time can be scheduled.

Please call the office at (769) 242-2020 and we will get you set up.

What can I expect at an appointment?

If it is your first visit, be ready to provide information about diseases that run in your family and describe current and past health problems and treatments. Write it all down if that helps and bring past medical records, test results, and your immunization records.

Make a list of the medications you are taking (or bring in the bottles) including the doses and frequency of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, as well as herbs, supplements and vitamins.

Find a friend or relative to accompany you to your visit If you have memory problems. A lot of information may be presented at a doctor’s visit, it may helpful to bring a friend or relative to help you write things down, share medical information, and talk with the health care team.

What if I don't know what to do at an appointment?

Share your symptoms, relevant health history, and the list of medications that you take.

Don’t forget about your emotional health; it influences your physical health.

Your health is worth the physician’s time. Repeat what the doctor has told you to be sure you understand and ask for clarification if needed.

Try to reach an agreement about the recommended treatment plan.

What should I do before leaving my appointment?

Find out if and when you should return for another visit and clarify any next steps. Schedule a follow-up appointment if necessary.

Ask if you need to watch for certain warning signs for your condition should have been covered, ask when you should be concerned and at what point you need to call in if unsure.

If you received a new prescription, get more information about what you should be asking and concerned about and when you should call in if unsure.

Ask how to reach the doctor if you have questions or concerns – by email? By phone? What hours are best? How soon can you expect a response?

Don’t leave if you’re uncertain about your diagnosis or treatment plan.

Preparing ahead of time can help you and us, your health care professionals, make the most out of what are often brief appointments.

What Services do you offer?

Check out our services page

Do you have Imaging (x-rays, ultrasonography, CT-scan) facilities?

No we do not have imaging or x-rays, we send our patients to the imaging center of their choice.

We do offer lab services, where labs can be drawn and sent to the laboratory. Results will then be sent back in your record. We also allow patients to use outside facilities if requested.

Do you examine children at your clinic?

Yes, as a Family Medicine Clinic, we offer full pediatric and adult services, including well and sick visits and specialty exams.

What happens if I need an intramuscular or intravenous injection?

Intramuscular injections, also known as shots are done at our clinic.

What if I need Anesthetic?

Rarely an injury may require anesthetics. We can perform local anesthesia and also what is known as Conscious sedation for brief procedures. Prolonged or severe problems are referred to the facility of patient’s choice.

What happens if I need a prescription?

We utilize a electronic medical record that sends your prescription to the pharmacy of choice. We do not provide chronic pain treatment/prescriptions or chronic anxiety treatment/prescriptions. Short term narcotics are only prescribed by written prescription while in office. Narcotics are never refilled out of office.

If you have already been taking drugs prescribed by your home doctor, please bring them with you for clarification or possible drug interactions and correlations with the new condition.

Insurance and Billing

We utilize a professional billing agency. We accept all Mississippi and Louisiana insurances including Medicare and Medicaid.

Do you have parking facilities?


Free Parking is available on all three sides of the clinic. We also have plenty of ADA compliant parking.